Sunday, April 22, 2007

21 weeks today

So Erik and I went and did the 3d/4d ultrasound to confirm that it is indeed a girl. (I think he was hoping maybe the first ultrasound tech was wrong! LOL!). We were lucky as the lady is giving us TWO ultrasounds for the price of one and as it turns out, her hubby is a Vallejo Firefighter and him and Erik know each other and even go dirt bike riding together! What a small world!! So we did the first ultrasound on Saturday and it was SO surreal! Seeing the baby moving around - with all 5 fingers and toes and even yawning was so wonderful! I could sit there all day long and watch it!

Since she is still young - she appears more distorted in the pictures as there is more fluid to go through to get her image. At one point we thought maybe we had a deformed baby but the tech reassured us that it was just that she was so small still and there is more fluid and such to travel through to get her picture!

It definitely is a girl - and no, no names as of yet! I think we'll get some baby name books to help us decide! We did have one name picked out but as soon as it was confirmed it was a makes you second guess yourself! So we'll see what we come up with!

During part of the video we have - our cute little daughter looked like she was flipping us off! LOL! Erik said "that must be my daughter!" It was funny!

She is healthy in all regards. All her tests came back wonderfully and as of today, she supposedly weighs one pound! I have gained 13 already! GASP!

Once we got home - Erik went to go study and I watched our DVD of the ultrasound. They had it set to all this mushy baby music and I found myself bawling through the whole thing! I have never felt a love like that before in my life and it was totally surreal! I guess that's the love they talk about between parent and child!

So I don't have much else to write for today! The picture you see is of the 3d/4d ultrasound. You can see her eyes and her nose (and she has my nose!) and she is yawning. Off to the right is her arm and hand that was moving and on the left - partly covering her face is another arm that was moving at the time the picture was taken! I still can't believe I am going to be a mom!!!!!


RussellPartyofFive said...

Aww look at how cute she is...I love the button nose :)
Those scans are so amazing :)
I can't wait to see your belly and your baby girl grow :)
Congrats again :)

Trina said...

She looks beautiful just like her Mommy!! I think this picture is AMAZING! You two are going to be wonderful parents!!
Love you,